Conditions & Agreements: (please read and sign below)
- A non-refundable $200 deposit/per week is required with the booking.
- Balance of camp fees are due at the time of registration.
- No reductions in costs for any reason are allowed for campers arriving late or leaving early. No refunds will be made for students sent home early for misconduct.
- Insurance coverage of the student is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian
- I wish my child to participate in the full program and all activities, unless I advise otherwise in writing. If while at camp, my child should become ill or injured, the directors have my full permission to take whatever action they deem necessary or advisable and authorize appropriate medical treatment. I understand that as a parent or guardian, every effort will be made to contact me as soon as possible. I agree to be responsible for any expenses incurred.
- I have been advised that wearing proper footwear can prevent, or significantly reduce injuries to my child in the case of an accident and I understand that I have to provide such equipment, should I wish my child to wear it. The wearing of an approved riding helmet is mandatory and helmets are provided.
I am aware and understand that activities involving these horses involve many risks, dangers and hazards, including, but not limited to the following:
- Horses, which are powerful and potentially dangerous animals, may change their behaviour at any time
- Horses may collide with other horses or objects or trip, stumble or fall even if being led, ridden, or attended to
- Negligence - which means, in general terms, a failure to exercise ordinary or proper care – of other riders or my or my child’s own failure to ride safely, within my or my child’s ability or within designated areas and trails
- Equipment may fail
- Weather conditions can change and can sometimes be dangerous
- The nature of the terrain can change and has certain risks associated with it including, but not limited to, exposed natural objects, trees, streams and creeks
- The activities can sometimes be in remote areas and injuries or illness may occur and it may be a considerable distance to doctors, hospitals, or any other type of assistance; and
- Negligence on the part of A PROPERTY OWNER AND-OR M.V.A. OR THEIR STAFF.
I am also aware that the risks, dangers and hazards referred to above exist throughout the trail, stable, practice and other areas and many are unmarked. I understand and acknowledge that no amount of caution, experience, or instruction can eliminate all of the risks involved and I freely accept and fully assume all such risks, dangers and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, death, property damage and damages or loss resulting there from.