PYC Fundraising through Aramark
Name of parent interested in working Aramark food service:
First Name
Last Name
Name of associated PYC singer:
First Name
Last Name
Parent Email:
Parent Cell Phone:
Please enter a valid phone number.
Have you worked Aramark food service before?
I'm not sure
Please check the dates of events you are interested in working (this is not a formal commitment, but helps us know how many we can expect to sign up).
I'm not sure yet about which dates I'll be available.
November 5, Call TBA
November 13, Call 9:30 AM
November 19, Call TBA
November 20, Call 5:00 PM
December 11, Call 9:30 AM
December 24, Call 5:00 PM
January 7 OR 8, Call TBA
Please check here if you are will to help with coordinating PYC's concessions roster. This involvement receiving emails from other PYC parents about when they intend to work concessions, submitting the roster to Aramark, and communicating the money earned to PYC family account coordinator.
Yes, I am willing to help with coordinating this effort.
Should be Empty: