I,{name}, acknowledge the below items as conditions of this application form
Those involved as paid consultants, volunteers, or employees with the Munroe- Pinder Award Committees (MPA) have a significant responsibility in the regulation of the social work profession and in the MPA mission of service to member boards in the interest of public protection. Anyone who is employed by the organization or participates on a taskforce, committee, must maintain the highest standards by avoiding any appearance or conflict of interest, abiding by communication protocols, and by keeping in confidence any materials and information concerning the programs with which they are involved.
Therefore, in consideration of my position as an employee, consultant, volunteer, or participant with MPA, I understand and agree to the following:
1.To abide by MPA’s Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Policy Manual, and any of their guidelines or handbooks, as may be amended from time to time, that apply to my involvement with MPA.
2. Recognition of the communication protocols of MPA and the fact that discussions of workplace assignments, committee or task force activities must, at times, be coordinated through the MPA Board of Directors and to respect such communication protocols.
3. There may be instances where I am placed in a situation where a conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict may exist. When such conflicts arise, I will excuse myself from discussion and refrain from participating in any action about the issue. Furthermore, I understand that MPA may document the existence, or possible existence, of such conflict and my actions taken to excuse myself from the proceedings.
4. To hold in complete confidence, in perpetuity, all information which I receive as an employee, volunteer or consultant. This shall include, where applicable, contents of committee/task force discussions, work product, statistics, items, or data. I agree to only release information as expressly authorized by the Bylaws, the Board of Directors, or MPA policies.
5. Any work I perform in fulfilling my duties as a consultant, volunteer or employee of MPA will be and remain the property solely of MPA and any materials used during the time of participation will be returned to MPA at the end of the work to be performed.
6. It is agreed that if any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of the provisions of the Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect to the extent permitted by law. The purposes of these undertakings are to help participants in their service to MPA, and to protect the integrity of the association.
By entering your full legal name below, you attest that you have read and understand the above information.