Solidarity Call: Pack The Court & Support Urooj During Her Sentencing Hearing
Muslims for Just Futures and Center for Constitutional Rights is organizing this sign-up in order to get a count of how many people will attend in-person for Urooj's sentencing hearing. Her hearing will take place on Friday, November 18th at 10 am EST. Please sign up if you can attend in-person so we can send you more details, and what to expect on the day of the sentencing hearing. The address is EDNY Courthouse, 225 Cadman Plaza E., Courtroom 8D South, Brooklyn, NY 11201. We ask that everyone who comes to the court maintain decorum and acts respectfully towards the court. Please note this date was moved from November 7th from 6pm EST to Friday, November 18th at 10am
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Will you attend the hearing in-person? (Please note there is no virtual or call-in option for this hearing)
If you are based in the DMV, will you need support with transportation in order to travel up to NYC (we have limited funds to support with transportation)?
How did you hear about this call to action?
Are there any accessibility requests?
Please let us know how you heard about this solidarity call, and if you have any additional questions/comments?
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