R.S.V.P -11/26/24-5 to 8 pm, Toast Coffeehouse @ 46 E Main St, Patchogue
One meal per person. Serving Traditional thanksgiving dishes & baked ziti and holiday desserts. This dinner is for those in need of a thanksgiving meal. Come dine and listen to wonderful music and enjoy your community. You have a place at our table, all welcome. The event is NOT ON THANKSGIVING- IT IS ON TUESDAY 11/26/24.QUESTIONS: email us at info@harmonycafeli.org
Event is on Tuesday, 11/26, NOT THANKSGIVING
Everyone is Welcome! Join us for a wonderful dinner and live music!
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Town you live in
Dining In, We will do our best to seat you. NO LONGER TAKE OUT ORDERS
How many adults meals needed ( ONE MEAL PER PERSON) ?
Reason/s for needing a meal this thanksgiving ?
Working less hours at work
Lack basic needs like food and shelter
Senior on a fixed income
You receive SNAP benefits
Other reason/s
Is this your first time attending this event?
How did you hear about this event?
Socia Media
nonprofit organization/agency
Ad on the Patch Newspapper
Are you a senior or have disability and need help to attend the event? Please let us know what type of assistance you need, Thank you
Please Enter any questions or concerns that you dont see listed on the form
Do you have any food allergies?
Submit Form
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