By borrowing from Carry in Cloth, you agree to abide by the following terms and conditions:
Hire Fee
o The hire fee is £20 for Newborn Kits and £18 for Onesize Kits.
o In the event of theft, loss or catastrophic damage of an entire kit, you will be issued with an invoice for the full retail replacement value of the kit, up to a value of £400.
Payment will be requested once your kit is booked. Payment must be made before hire can commence. You will receive an invoice and can pay by bank transfer, Paypal or Credit/Debit card.
Hire Term
o Newborn Kits may be collected up to 2 weeks prior to the EDD of the baby. The hire term is considered to be a minimum of 8 weeks from the date of collection.
o The hire term may be extended for an additional week at a time on a rolling basis until baby is 12 weeks old, for an additional charge of £5 per week, unless the kit has been reserved in advance by another parent on the waiting list. Exceptions will be made for premature or low-birth weight babies, subject to the kit not being reserved by another parent on the waiting list.
o Any requests to extend the hire period must be received by email a minimum of 14 days before the end of the initial agreed hire period.
Condition of Hired Items
o You acknowledge that you are aware that the items hired to you in your kit are likely to have been previously used. Occasionally there may be new items in kits, but as we are a lending library, the vast majority are used items.
o Each kit is carefully inspected and thoroughly cleaned before issue at the start of the hire term by the Nappy Library Co-ordinator. In the event that there is any problem with the hired nappies, please notify us immediately at the start of the hire period.
o Carry in Cloth endeavours to offer support and guidance on the correct and effective use of the reusable nappies. However, you agree that the Library cannot be held responsible for any loss, injury, or damage caused by any of the items we have loaned you, in the event that you do not follow our advice.
o Carry in Cloth does not assume liability for any issues arising from the misuse of any hired nappies, or if the hired nappies offered are not suitable for your baby. You also hereby agree that we are not responsible for any faulty product, due to the inclusion of used items in the kits.
o Carry in Cloth does not guarantee or make claims of the efficacy, successfulness or otherwise of any particular brand or style of nappy or accessories, due to the extreme variability in shape and size of babies, as well as variability inherent in the process of using reusable nappies itself.
Use & Care of Hired Items
o You agree that you will only wash the nappies as per the written Laundry Guidelines. If you are unsure about how best to wash the nappies in your own machine, you will contact the Library Coordinator for further advice.
o You will use fleece liners if you have applied petroleum-based nappy creams (for example, Metanium or Sudocrem), to avoid damage such as repelling (waterproofing of the fibres) or stains. Please avoid Vaseline.
o Under no circumstances will you use bleach, vinegar, essential oils, or laundry ‘boosters’, on Library nappies.
o Mild staining to clean nappies will not affect the return of your deposit, as the nappies will be washed and sanitised after return. Slight wear and tear as a condition of use is normal & to be expected.
o Everything borrowed must be returned clean and checked for damage. Please report any damaged or lost items or excessive staining (e.g. from a non-colourfast colour run) when you return the kit.
o We recommend, though it is not essential, the use of a laundry mesh bag to wash wraps or small items such as wipes.
Return of Hired Kits
o Nappy kits must be returned on time, unless by prior written agreement. It is your responsibility to return your kit to the library.
o Written agreement from the Nappy Library Co-ordinator must be received before deciding not to return a kit punctually. If you have emailed, but have not received a reply, do not assume that the extension has been approved.
o Due to the need for thorough washing & drying times in between hires, we may be simply unable to extend a loan if we have a waiting list.
o A late fee of £1 per day will apply to unarranged late returns.
o Please take good care of the nappy kit, so that it can be used to help more parents in the future!