Have you ever used Corteza in production?
Yes, and I'm still using it.
No. I tried Corteza, but it wasn't suitable for me.
Yes, but I stopped using it.
No, I never tried Corteza.
What do you use Corteza for?
Application Development
Business Process management
Integration Platform
Other (please take a moment to tell us how you're using Corteza):
What can we do to improve it for you?
Nothing, it's perfect the way it is.
Thanks for asking, I'd love to see some improvements (please detail):
Why are you not using Corteza in production?
I wasn't able to install it.
It was too difficult to use.
It didn't do what I needed it to do (please detail):
How can we improve Corteza to get you to try it again?
There's nothing you can do, I have no interest in using a low-code platform.
Thanks for asking, if you make some improvements I'd love to try Corteza again (please detail):
Should be Empty: