Kelly Brink Hair Artistry Digital Consultation Form
Welcome! I can’t wait to meet you soon. All new guests start working with me here with a digital consultation form. This allows me to get to know you and your hair goals so that I can ensure your initial appointment is booked properly. Please complete the form in full and I’ll be in touch within 24 hours of your request during my work week which is Tuesday-Friday. All requests submitted Saturday-Monday will be responded to on Tuesday.If you have any questions or need support please email me at
What is your full name?
First Name
Last Name
What is your email address?
Please note, I will be reaching out by email to confirm your appointment
Phone Number
Please note, I will respond by text to confirm your appointment
What is your mailing address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
What is your Instagram Handle?
How did you hear about us?
Please Select
Google Business Profile
Google Search
Other (Please specify...)
Tell us more about how you found us
What is the name of the client who referred you to my business?
When is the last time you had your hair cut?
Less than 4 weeks ago
1-2 months ago
2-4 months ago
4-6 months ago
6 months+
When is the last time you had your hair colored?
I've never colored my hair
Less than 4 weeks ago
1-2 months ago
2-4 months ago
4-6 months ago
6 months+
What services do you you generally receive currently?
Professional conditioning treatments
Chemical smoothing treatments
Hair extensions
Gray coverage hair color
Overall hair color shift without gray coverage
Balayage blonding
Bleaching/extensive blonding
What type of extensions have you worn most recently or are you wearing now?
Micro-link weft application
Tape-In application
Beaded application
Fusion application
Sewn-in application
Temporary/clip-in extensions
Unsure of application method
Do you currently have extensions installed in your hair?
How would you describe your hair strand texture? Select as many as apply.
Mainly straight
Wavy (type 2)
Curly (type 3)
Coily (type 4)
How would you describe your hair density?
Very thin/actively thinning
What services are you looking to book at our first appointment?
Professional conditioning treatments
Hair extensions
Gray coverage hair color
Overall hair color shift without gray coverage
Balayage blonding
Color correction
Tell me more about why you are requesting a color correction?
Tell me more about your goals with your color service? What would be your ideal outcome?
What are you goals with hair extensions?
I'd like my hair to be as long as possible
I'd like my hair to be a 2"-3" longer than it is now
I'd like my hair to 4"-6" longer than it is now
I'm looking to blend a haircut I'm growing out
My hair is thin and increasing density is a primary concern
What days/times are you available? We will make every effort to get you in as soon as possible in line with the information you enter here. The more available you are, the faster we will be able to get you in.
Weekdays (Tue-Thur)9:30am-12pm
Weekdays(Tue-Thur) 12pm-5pm
I will make anything work, I just need to get in ASAP
Is there anything else we should know before booking your appointment?
Please upload 2-3 photos of your hair as it looks today. We would like to see it from the back and the front, unfiltered.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Please upload 1-2 photos of your hair goals. You can find inspiration photos through google image search, Instagram, Pinterest or anywhere else you've seen hair you admire.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
By completing this form, I am submitting an appointment request and price quote inquiry.In response, I will receive an email/text with an appointment time and date option and a general price quote. Your appointment in salon will begin with a 15 minute full consultation to refine the plan for service. Generally, new guests are able to be seen within 2-3 weeks of appointment submission request, but guests with limited availability may have to wait up to 12 weeks to be seen. I understand that we have a strict 48 hour cancellation policy and if I do cancel my appointment with less than 48 hours notice, I may be banned from booking future appointments with the salon. By clicking the submit button below, I agree to these terms.
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