SkillBridge Application
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How did you hear about Landing Collective Real Estate Solutions?
If someone referred you, please note their name.
Where are you currently located?
(Base, City, State)
What is your expected end of service date?
Are you pre-approved for the SkillBridge program with your Chain of Command? If so, how many days?
How many days of terminal leave do you plan to take?
How many years in service have you completed?
Do you have any restrictions or limitations, physically or otherwise, that we need to be aware of to best meet you needs?
Are you retiring or separating?
Select the item that best describes you:
Please Select
I'm just looking for more information.
I'm interested real estate, but also want to do other things.
I'm committed to real estate, but not sure where.
I'm committed to real estate and want to be a real estate agent.
I want nothing more than to be a Landing Collective agent!
In 3-10 sentences, please describe your interest in residential real estate sales.
Do you have any sales experience?
If yes, please describe your experience in sales.
Describe a day in the life of a real estate sales professional from your point of view.
How many SkillBridge applications have you submitted or currently have out for review?
What do you hope to achieve at the end of your internship?
Do you plan to attend college or go directly to employment following your separation?
Please Select
Attend college.
Direct to employment.
Is there any reason why you would be denied receiving a California Real Estate License?
Copy & paste link for License Requirements ->
Should be Empty: