Louisiana Foster Care Support Organization
Home of your Ambassador and Louisiana Foster Caregiver Mentor Program
email: margie@Louisianafostercare.com
Louisiana Foster Caregiver Mentor Program
Need a Mentor? Click here-
Want to BE a Mentor? Click here-
For more information, please email Margie@louisianafostercare.com
My Community Cares MCC Baton Rouge Empower 225
Leslie Simmons Johnson (225) 236-5249
4829 Winbourne Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70805
My Community Cares (MCC) is a neighborhood-driven, community-focused initiative, designed to strengthen families and support communities. The ultimate goal is to ensure that every neighborhood in Louisiana has access to the services and supports they need to be healthy and safe.
Need Assistance Finding ChildCare?
Contact your local Resource and Referral Office, Volunteers of America
Call our offices at (337) 704-2838. Our referral specialists will ask you some basic information about your family and preferences, and will provide a list of referrals.
You can also reach us at info@voa.org
Visit our website https://www.voa.org/affiliates/volunteers-of-america-southeast-louisiana/
Ascent Wrap Around Services- Throughout the country, research shows that the wraparound process does more for children than basic child welfare services alone. According to numerous independent studies, the majority of youth in welfare programs that interacted with Ascent move on to less restrictive environments and are significantly less likely to engage in illegal or delinquent behavior.
Foster Families and children in care are welcome to participate.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Information Center of Louisiana -
support group and resources
Email: grgoffice@yahoo.com
Website: www.Lagrg.com
For The One - Support for Biological and Foster families and children in foster care.
Email- fortheone2024@gmail.com
(225) 354-5520
Fathers On A Mission (FOAM) - community support group for fathers
Email: Foambr2020@gmail.com
Website: FathersOnAMission.com
The Family Village (TFV) - provides clothing, toiletry/hygiene needs, birthday boxes
Website: www.TFVWalker.org
Email: Admin@TFVWalker.org
Empower 225 - MANY programs for youth, events
Email: info@empower225.org
Info Line: (225) 236-5249
Website: www.Empower225.org
Brave Heart Children in Need, Inc.- Provides life books, backpacks with toiletries and small gifts for children entering foster care.
3636 S. Sherwood Forest Blvd., Suite 690D, Baton Rouge, La 70816
Phone: 225-778-7338
FB: www.facebook.com/braveheartchildren
Website: www.BraveHeartChildren.org
Email: info@BraveHeartChildren.org
Family Road of Greater Baton Rouge- Programs offered: Healthy Start, Healthcare Aid/Education, Parenting Program/Dedicated Dads. Diaper bank
323 E. Airport Rd., Baton Rouge, LA 70815
Phone: 225-201-8888
FB: www.facebook.com/FamilyRoadGBR
Website: www.FamilyRoadGBR.org
Email: LMatthews@familyroadgbr.org
The Forgotten Initiative (TFI) - Provides tangible resoures, fill out request form on their website.
Phone: 225-315-1856
FB: http://www.facebook.com/tfi.batonrouge.la
Website: https://theforgotteninitiative.org/batonrougela/
Email: Batonrouge.la@theforgotteninitiative.org
Rise Foundation - Provides housing, psychotherapy, and life skills to youth and young adults aging out of foster care.
FB: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Bainguel/
Email: Risefoundation@gmail.com
The Family Village (TFV) – (serves Baton Rouge & Covington) --
32470 Walker Rd N, Walker, LA
Phone: (225) 283-6297
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TFVWalker
Website: http://www.tfvwalker.org/
Email: admin@tfvwalker.org
Virtual Support Meetings:
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Louisiana- Quarterly Legal Workshop.
Contact the office for meeting zoom link. Phone: 225-810-3555
In Person Support:
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren of Louisiana- Monthly support group 4th Thursday at 10am. Contact the office for meeting location. Phone: 225-810-3555