us, or not allowed to be disclosed. If we deny your request, we will explain our reasons for the denial and your rights to have the request and denial and your written response added to your file. If we approve your request, we will change the file, report that change to you, and tell others that need to know about the change in your file.
To request a restriction on the use or disclosure of your Protected Health Information. You may ask us to limit how we use or disclose your information, but we generally do not have to agree to your request. An exception is that we must agree to a request not to send Protected Health Information to a health plan for purposes of payment or health care operations if you have paid in full for the related product or service. If we agree to all or part of your request, we will put our agreement in writing and obey it except in emergency situations. We cannot limit uses or disclosures that are required by law.
To request confidential communication methods. You may ask that we contact you ata certain address or in a certain way. We must agree to your request as long as it is reasonably easy for us to do SO.
To find out what disclosures have been made. You may get a list describing when, to whom, why, and what of your Protected Health Information has been disclosed during the past six years. We must respond to your request within sixty days of receiving it. We will only charge you for the list if you request more than one list per year. The list will not include disclosures made to you or for purposes of treatment, payment, health care operations if we do not use electronic health records, our patient directory, national security, law enforcement, and certain health oversight activities.
To receive notice if your records have been breached. UWM will notify you if there has been an acquisition, access, use or disclosure of your Protected Health Information in a manner not allowed under the law and which we are required by law to report to you., We will review any suspected breach to determine the appropriate response under the circumstances.