Community Priority Feedback
The NAYA Family Center is working to understand the issues that are important to you. Please respond to the survey to allow us the opportunity to better serve you through the legislative process.
We launched this survey to gain a better understanding of the issues important to our community. We will use the information collected to help inform the bills we support during the 2025 legislative session and will use the information to ultimately help introduce legislation that impacts our community for the better. Questions about this survey? Contact the Policy, Advocacy, and Community Engagement (PACE) Team at
Age Range
12-17 years old
18-24 years old
25-34 years old
35-44 years old
45-54 years old
55-64 years old
65-74 years old
75+ years old
Racial Identity (Optional)
Native American
American Indian
Alaska Native
Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC)
Another Option
If you chose another option, please list your identity below:
Zip Code
What issues impact you the most? (Please rank these from 1-11, 1 is the most important). Please drag and drop your priorities in place.
If you chose "another option," please list below:
Within the issue categories you chose, what specifically would you like to see changed? (i.e., housing/homelessness: stop the sweeps, lower rents, etc.)
If we provided the training and tools for you to speak publicly about issues that impact you most, would you be willing to speak publicly on those topics?
Yes, count me in!
No, not right now.
If you selected yes, please list your name and contact information below:
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What do you need to participate in the policy-making process?
Advocacy 101 Training (Understanding the Legislative Process)
Financial Assistance
Training on How to Testify (Elevating YOUR voice and story)
Training on Tracking and Monitoring Legislation
Another Option
If you answered another option, please list your needs to participate.
Please share anything else that will help us identify our community priorities.
Should be Empty: