Please complete this form for a new service to be provided by RMS.Please provide as much information as you can, this will enable us to provide our service to you to your specific requirements. Where additional site specific information isn't provided we will default to our standard operating procedures detailed with our Service Level Agreement
Please list specific instructions for our team to follow in the provision of the service, or upload a deliver diagram or attachment that details the service.
Please provide contacts information in the order that they should be contacted for the provision of this service.
It is the responsibility of the client to notify RMS of any contact changes when required
Incident Reports
As part of our reporting regime, we produce automatic incident reports which are emailed direct to your nominated contacts. Please provide the contact details below for anyone you would like to include on the email report distribution list:
Terms, Conditions & Service Level Agreement
Our terms, conditions and service level agreement for these services can be found on our website here