RaMP-UP aims to provide students that have completed their B.S. degrees with the opportunity to gain meaningful experiences in research and professional development within a supportive research environment. Students will be working during one year on a project at one of the program mentors' laboratories, will receive intensive training in biological research, and will participate in educational activities centered on topics of interest as well as professional development activities. Participants will be expected to present their work in scientific meetings and publish their findings.
RaMP-UP's focus is on the interphase between Biology and Computer Sciences, one of the fastest growing areas of biological research. For this, participants will develop individual research projects in emerging fields in which biology connects with other scientific disciplines (interdisciplinary) and incorporate quantitative analysis. Examples of the expected projects include: the analyses of genes and gene expression associated with biological processes, the integration of quantitative analyses towards understanding changes in the morphological and genetic traits of organisms in response to the environment, and the use of big data and machine learning approaches to document the effects of climate change on biological systems.