School Year 2021-2022 Title IV Annual Performance Report
The purpose of this Jotform is to collect data for the U.S. Department of Education through the Consolidated State Program Report. IDOE is required to report annual expenditures for Title IV, Part A for continuation of program funding. Please report all Title IV, Part A expenditures from the 2021-2022 school year. This should include any open Title IV, Part A subgrants awarded to your organization. For example, your local educational agency may have expended funds from the FFY19 grant, FFY20, FFY21, grants, or all, during this time period. Please report the overall expenditures and expenditures by Title IV Focus Areas (Well-Rounded Education, Safe and Healthy Schools, and Effective Use of Technology).
DUE: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Overall Title IV Expenditures for SY 2021-2022:
Focus Area A (Well-Rounded Education) expenditures for SY 2021-2022:
Focus Area B (Safe and Healthy Schools) expenditures for SY 2021-2022:
Focus Area C (Effective Use of Technology) expenditures for SY 2021-2022:
Please provide any additional details or clarifications in the narrative box below:
Please list the grant objectives outlined for SY 2021-2022.
Did you transfer funds in/out of Title IV during SY 2021-2022?
Please Select
Transfer funds into FFY20 Title IV
Transfer funds out of FFY20 Title IV
No transfer of funds
We transferred funds out of Title IV and into...
Title I, A
Title I, C
Title I, D
Title II, A
Title V, B
How much did you transfer in/out?
Example: $5,000 into Title I, A.
First Name
Last Name
Email address
School Corporation
School Corporation ID
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Should be Empty: