By this form you can (passively or actively) support the Climate Agreement on Food and Farming This can be done by non-state actors like civil society organisations, companies, universities, financial institutes, local/regional governments, UN organisations, youth, health sector etc. In this way your organisations calls upon States, regions, UN organisations and food/retail companies to sign the Climate Agreement on Food and Farming to reduce farm- and food-related greenhouse gas emissions with 30% by 2030. Questions?
Name of authorized person to sign
Family name
Do you support the Climate Agreement on Food and Farming? Yes/No, why?
How would you like to give support?
Passively, by adding your organisation name and logo to the list of organisations that supports the Agreement
Passively, by also mentioning your support on social media, your newsletters and website
More actively, by asking politicians and decision makers at State Level (or regional/province Level, and/or UN organisation Level) to sign
More actively, by asking food companies and retail companies to sign
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