Organizations Requesting release of information (Name, Address, Telephone and Date) :
Redding Rancheria Housing Department
2000 Redding Rancheria Rd.
Redding, CA 96001
(530) 225-8979 FAX (530) 242-4560
Purpose: The above named organization may use this authorization and the information obtained with it, to administer and enforce program rules and policies.
Authorization: I authorize the release of any information (including documentation and other materials) pertinent to eligibility for or participation under any of the following programs.
Rental Assistance Program (RAP)
Emergency Rental Assistance (ERAP)
Temporary Assistance Program (TAP)
Emergency Mortgage Assistance (MAP)
I authorize the above named organization to obtain information about me or my family that is pertinent to eligibility for or participation in assisted housing programs.
I authorize only the Redding Rancheria Housing Department to obtain information on wages or unemployment compensation from State Employment Securities Agencies.
Information Covered: Inquiries may be made about:
Per Capita / Revenue Sharing
Child Care Expenses
Credit History
Criminal Activity
Family Compensation
Employment, Income, Pensions, and Assets
Federal, State, Tribal or Local Benefits
Handicapped Assistance Expenses
Identity and Marital Status
Social Security Numbers
Residences and Rental History
Individuals or Organizations that May Release Information: Any individual or organization including any Governmental organization may be asked to release information. For example:
Tribes, Alaskan Villages or Corporations
Banks and other Financial Institutions
Law Enforcement Agencies / Courts
Credit Bureau
Employers (past and present)
Providers of:
Child Care
Child Support
Handicapped Assistance
Medical Care
Pensions / Annuities
Schools and Colleges
U.S. Social Security Administration
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Utility Companies
Welfare Agencies
Computer Matching Notice & Consent: I agree that the Redding Rancheria Housing Department may conduct computer matching programs with other governmental agencies including Federal, State, Tribal or local agencies. The governmental agencies include:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
U.S. Social Security Administration
U.S. Department of Defense
State Employment Security Agencies
State Welfare and Food Stamp Agencies
That match will be used to verify information supplied by the family.
Conditions: I agree that photocopies of this authorization may be used for the purposes stated above. If do not sign this authorization, I also understand that my housing assistance may be denied or terminated.