It is the policy of the Ada Community Library that the meeting and study rooms at the Library are available free of charge to any individual or group of citizens with the following understanding:
- Library sponsored activities are given priority in scheduling the use of the rooms at all times. Groups are welcome to schedule up to three months in advance but if a library need arises, the group may be asked to reschedule.
- The Library may cancel or modify existing reservations at its discretion.
- The meeting and study rooms are available free of charge for public gatherings. The rooms are not available for commercial groups/individuals, or for money-raising purposes, with the exception of the Friends of the Library events. Meetings in the meeting room must be open to the public. Meetings of a closed, personal, or private nature are allowed in the study rooms and telehealth pod and may be scheduled in the meeting room at the discretion of the Branch Manager if the meeting room is available. Other areas of the Library may be available for meetings with approval from the Branch Manager.
- Groups are responsible for arranging the room as needed for their meeting and restoring the room to its prior condition at meeting’s end. Groups may post temporary signs to direct their group members to the meeting area, but they should be removed following the conclusion of the meeting.
- Meetings are to be scheduled during normal library open hours and must be concluded with room cleaned and vacated by the end of reservation time or 15 minutes prior to library closing time.
- Reservations must be made for using meeting rooms, online, in-person, or by phone. The reservation request form must include the name of the organization, time period desired, number of persons expected, name and contact information of the adult responsible, topic or nature of the meeting, and requested equipment. It is understood that inquiries concerning the meeting in question may be referred to the person signing the room reservation form for the organization. Multiple date requests will be reviewed by the Branch Manager and accommodated based on availability.
- Study rooms are intended for non-profit or educational-purposed use and may be signed in same- day or reserved on a week-to-week basis.
- In compliance with Idaho law, smoking and vaping are not allowed in any area of the Library including alcoves, foyers and patio. Alcoholic beverages may not be served. If refreshments are served, due care and consideration must be given to the preservation of the library carpet and furnishings. Each group shall be responsible for providing serving equipment and for cleaning up meeting area after use.
- Cleaning costs necessitated by the use of the room and/or damage to any equipment in the room will be the responsibility of the adult in charge of the group using the room or parent of minor using study room. A cleaning and damage deposit may be required at the Library Director’s discretion.
- The use of the meeting rooms does not constitute endorsement by the Library of the beliefs of that group or the viewpoints expressed during the meeting. The Library will not involve itself in the internal matters, governance or disagreements of groups using the meeting rooms.
- In the case of telehealth use the library is simply a venue. It is not involved in providing information and is not responsible or liable to the user or the health service provider.
- No group may list the Library as a partner or sponsor without prior express written permission from the Branch Manager or Library Director. All publicity relating to any program/meeting held in a library meeting room shall be cleared with the Library prior to release. Absent such permission, any printed or electronic advertisement or notification of a meeting to take place at the Library must include a disclaimer that the meeting or event is not sponsored or endorsed by the Library.
- Exceptions to any of these policies must be approved by the Library Director.
Approved by the Board of Trustees, August 23, 1995
Revised, January 20, 2004, Revised; January 20 and April 21, 2009; Revised, September 20, 2011; Revised, February 21, 2017; Revised June 20, 2017; Revised May 16,2023