Waiver of Liability
I understand that courses offered through Still River Counseling, PLLC (AKA "Still River Travels Online Courses") are not individual or group therapy. These courses are designed to teach participants the tools needed to develop and cultivate a mindfulness, resilience and self-compassion practice. I acknowledge, represent and warrant that no provider-patient relationship is or will be formed with any facilitators/teachers as a result of my participation in one of the Still River Counseling courses, and/or that my participation in course work is separate and distinct from my normal provider-patient relationship with Still River Counseling facilitators/teachers.
I understand that Still River Counseling’s courses do not take the place of or act as a substitute for personal therapy. I acknowledge that all decisions regarding my therapy will be made by me in consultation with an appropriate healthcare provider, and that Still River Counseling course facilitators have no ongoing role in treatment, therapy or associated recommendations for me.
I voluntarily agree to participate in activities during the online Still River Travels Course and agree to abide by all processes and procedures of the program, as well as all instructions or directions during the course. I understand that participation in the course is at the discretion of the facilitators/teachers, at all times. If, in the opinion of the facilitators/teachers, I am unable to continue to participate productively in the course, I may be asked to leave.
I hereby assume all risks of personal injury to me and my property that may be sustained in connection with activities undertaken during the Still River Counseling course. Any costs incurred for services are my responsibility and not the responsibility of the teachers or the course facility. I agree to have reliable, consistent internet connectivity to participate virtually.
I understand that respecting the privacy of other class members is an important aspect of the course. I agree not to record the class sessions or discuss with outside people what was shared by other class members.
If I am taking prescription medications of any kind and discontinue taking them during the program, this may be grounds to terminate my ongoing participation in the course. I agree to abide by all recommendations and orders of my healthcare provider(s) outside of the course, if applicable, during the pendency of the course.
By completing this release and consent I solely assume all risk for any physical, mental and/or emotional consequences of participating in this online course.
I globally release and disclaim Still River Counseling and its teachers from all liability, of any form or sort, from my participation in the course. I also specifically and expressly agree to hold harmless, indemnify and release all facilitators and teachers of this program from any and all liability for the results of the educational guidance that will be or have been provided.
I understand that no guarantee is made as to the outcomes or results of this.