Applicant's Statement
By signing below, I, the volunteer (or volunteer’s legal guardian), acknowledge that entry into this agreement (“Agreement”) is in consideration of my participation as a volunteer, and confirm my understanding and agreement to the following:
Policies and Safety Rules
I will comply with Indian Rocks Baptist Church’s volunteer policies, safety rules, conduct expectations, and other directions. I understand that Indian Rocks Baptist Church does not tolerate bullying, harassment, threatening behavior, or violence of any kind. I agree to support the bylaws and policies of Indian Rocks Baptist Church and that I am required to abide by all rules and regulations governing the ethical, moral, and religious values of the organization. I understand that noncompliance may result in termination of my volunteer status.
Risks Associated with Volunteering
Volunteering for Indian Rocks Baptist Church has risks. These risks may arise in a variety of ways. They include, without limitation: my lifting heavy objects or otherwise exerting myself, using hot or sharp objects or other tools, being exposed to loud noises, and interacting with and being in the presence of other volunteers, visitors and other people. I understand that these risks include risks of injury, illness, death, and property damage or loss, and that they may arise from my own actions or from the actions of others at or near Indian Rocks Baptist Church facilities or encountered when traveling for Indian Rocks Baptist Church activities offsite.
Awareness and Assumption of Risk
I understand the information above, and confirm and acknowledge that these are risks associated with volunteering. With such information and awareness, and with the recognition that other factors may create additional such risks, I knowingly, freely, and voluntarily: (a) sign up to volunteer for Indian Rocks Baptist Church; (b) engage in volunteer activities; and (c) assume and accept the risks of all injury, death, property damage or loss, financial obligation, loss of privacy, loss of reputation, and all other injuries and other consequences, whether known or unknown, whether foreseen or unforeseeable, and whether incurred at Indian Rocks Baptist Church facilities or elsewhere, that may result, directly or indirectly, from my presence at Indian Rocks Baptist Church facilities or participation as an Indian Rocks Baptist Church volunteer, regardless of the cause.
Waiver and Release of Claims
I waive and release Indian Rocks Baptist Church and its directors, officers, agents, employees, volunteers, and affiliates (collectively, “Indian Rocks Baptist Church Parties”) from any and all liability, claims, costs, and expenses of any kind and of whatever nature which I or my heirs, next of kin, or legal representatives may have or which may later accrue, caused by or arising directly or indirectly from my presence at Indian Rocks Baptist Church facilities or participation in Indian Rocks Baptist Church activities. This release and waiver includes, in each such case, all claims in respect of the risks noted above, known and unknown, foreseen and unforeseeable, regardless of the cause or whether such claims arise from tort, contract, or otherwise, and even if caused by negligence, whether passive or active. I will not sue any of the Indian Rocks Baptist Church Parties on the basis of these waived and released claims.
I affirm that I am of legal age and able to sign on my own behalf and am freely signing this Agreement. I have read this Agreement and fully understand that by signing this Agreement, I am giving up legal rights and remedies that may be available to me and to other persons.