Are you self-employed or thinking of becoming self-employed and want marketing skills to grow your business?
Are you already working but need marketing or ecommerce skills to promote your side-hustle?
Or would your employer like a HUGE 70-90% discount on a training course that will upskill you ready for a promotion?
Apply now for fully-funded Digital Marketing training.
You may be eligible if:
We claim funding for your training after you successfully complete your course and will support your success, but you must be committed to improving your skills.
Towards the end of your course we will require one of the following:
The Department for Education Privacy Notice explains why we need your details.
If you have a problem completing this form please e-mail or phone 01254 693999.
This privacy notice explains how we collect and use your personal information for the purposes of evaluating the Employer Led Training Initiatives/Skills Bootcamps:
This data is being collected by the DfE for the National Skills Fund. For the purposes of relevant data protection legislation, the Department for Education (DfE) is the data controller for personal information processed for this research. More information about how the DfE handles personal information is published here.
If you wish to make a complaint about the service you have received, please contact or 01254 693999.
Should you wish to make a complaint directly to the Department for Education (DfE) you can find more information on their webpage - Department for Education Complaints Procedure.
Whistleblowing involves entering a 'whistleblowing' webform on the 'Contact the Department for Education' page. Whistleblowing entries for Skills Bootcamps must be clearly marked as 'Skills Bootcamps' and submitted via the DfE's whistleblowing submission process, where they will be escalated to the relevant policy team.
You may not be eligible for this course for one of these reasons:
Please double-check your answers and press the back button to correct them. Please read the FAQ on our website about why we need this information.
If you think there is an error in this form please phone 01254 693999 or email