Please note the following:
- This form should not be completed to report absence due to illness or emergency appointments. To report such an absence please use the Edulink app or telephone the school absence line 0161 686 3011 (option 3 for lower school absence and option 2 for sixth form).
- We require sufficient time to process your request. Please submit your request where possible:
- at least 2 weeks prior to the planned absence or
- for medical/dental appointments , not less than 48 hours before.
- Please upload relevant evidence to support your request e.g. screenshot of appointment letter/text.
- Requests for leave to facilitate a holiday during term time will not be authorised. A decision to take your child out of school for a holiday may result in a fixed penalty notice being issued.
- Requests for leave to facilitate travel during term time will not be authorised unless there are extenuating and unavoidable circumstances. Travel at the start or end of a school holiday will not be authorised. If leave is granted, it may not be granted for all dates requested.
- Poor attendance (less than 97%) may result in permission being refused.
- Should your child have less than 95% attendance, a request will not be approved without supporting evidence of the appointment/event requiring special leave of absence unless school is aware of an ongoing medical need.
- Should your child have less than 90% attendance which is categorised by the DfE as 'persistent absence' requests for special leave (which are not medical/dental) are likely to be denied.