Proposal Show Application
Deadline for submissions: November 20, 2024
Contact Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
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Proposal Show Details
Please complete all the information requested.
Show title
Show Description/theme
Participating Artists, a brief description of everyone's work and mediums.
There are three dates available for proposal shows. Please indicate your first choice by placing a "1" beside the date. If you are open to other dates follow up with a 2 and a 3 in your order of preference. A "0" will indicate that date is not an option for you.
Apr 23 - May 25
July 2 - Aug. 4
Oct. 8 - Nov. 9
Images: Please submit one or two images (jpg format) per artist participating in the show. Please ensure each image file is named to include the ArtistName_title_size (Height x Width)_Medium_Year e.g. VincentVanGogh_StarryNight_30x36_oil_1889. Images should be resized so that they are between 400KB and 2MB in size.
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I have read the proposal show guidelines and agree to abide by them in the event that my submission is accepted.
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