Sponsor the Forum!Your sponsorship of the 2023 Winter Forum will help us to cover the cost of this important event, and will contribute to the continuation of our work. The Winter Forum is, in many ways, a cornerstone of our work as a coalition. It is an unmatched opportunity for us to gather, share ideas, build relationships, and strengthen our work. Your contribution will assure that the diverse producers, farmworkers and rural communities we serve are able to share ideas with USDA agency leaders, policymakers, and each other and improve their operations. Your participation and support is what keeps our efforts strong and member-driven! *Sponsorship includes tickets to our Anniversary Gala on Friday, January, 20th, 2023. Please use the field below to indicate how many tickets you'd like to receive.* Our challenges remain as great as ever, but as we assemble for our annual gathering, we will celebrate what we together have accomplished and what we together we must do to advance equity and food sovereignty in our communities and care for our mother earth. Thank you for your generous support!