Tell us about your needs
We can bring you the right talents, just let us know about your project. We have proven record from multiple clients. Check our reviews from
What is your company name?
What email address should we use to contact you?
What is your company's website?
Would you like to share your name with us?
First Name
Last Name
Please let us know about your project
Line of business, length, technologies, structure of the team, etc
How would you like the estimate?
Daily rate per team member
Total cost to deliver project
We can discuss and decide later
If 1st option is selected above, how much is your target rate per day?
If 2nd option is selected above, how much is your target total cost?
How many engineers are you planning to hire?
A cross-functional team (engineers, designers, PMs, Scrum Masters, etc)
We can discuss and decide later
When would you like to start?
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