Residential Credit Form
Please fill out this form to indicate that you wish to be evaluated for a credit towards the annual Watershed Protection Fee.
Property Owner Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Property Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Was your home built before 2003?
Please Select
Parcel ID Number (if known)
Property Category
Please Select
Townhouse or Condo
Single Family Home on 0.25 acres or less
Single Family Home on greater than 0.25 acres
Mailing Address (if different than property address)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Which Best Management Practice (BMP) are you seeking credit for?
Rain Garden
Permeable Pavers
Pavement Removal
Green Roof
Cisterns and Rain Barrels
Dry Wells
When was your BMP installed?
Was your BMP installed by a licensed contractor?
Please Select
Was your BMP installed through the CleanScapes program?
Please Select
Please submit a recent photo of your BMP.
Browse Files
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Choose a file
I am the property owner or duly authorized to act on behalf of the property owner, I have reviewed the information contained in this application and the supporting documentation, and to the best of my knowledge believe that it is true and accurate.
Acknowledged as Applicant Listed Above
By checking this box I understand the following: My BMP must meet specific requirements to be considered for credit. I may need to provide additional information about my BMP(s). This application does not guarantee a credit. Howard County will need to assess all provided and requested information for potential credit. The property may be subject to an inspection before approval.
Acknowledged as Applicant Listed Above
I understand that any approved credits can be revoked at any time if Howard County determines the information provided is inaccurate. I hereby grant permission to the County, its authorized agents and employees, to enter the Property upon providing 48 hours written notice and, in any case, at reasonable times and without unreasonable disruption to inspect the Property to ensure that the provided information accurately represents the current stormwater management conditions.
Acknowledged as Applicant Listed Above
Should be Empty: