I agree to conform to and comply with all rules set forth by the New England Sports Committee (“NESC”) and promoting organizations.
I hereby release the NESC, its officers, members, agents, representatives and officials. All events officials and all promoting organizations and their respective members, officers and officials, the owner(s) of the premises or any officers thereof and other riders and mechanics, from any and all liability, loss, damage, costs, claims and or causes of action, including but not limited to all bodily injuries and property damage arising out of my participation in any event sanctioned by the NESC, and I assume responsibility for all expenses for physicians, ambulances, hospitals and other medical expenses and any other loss or injury to me and or personal property which I may sustain by reason of my participation in any NESC sanctioned event.
Members must own Mylaps transponders:
First rider $100. Each additional rider in the same household $75.
By mail: post marked after 1/31/24 $100.00 Additional members per household with transponders $75.00 each
All memberships at tracks: $100 NO FAMILY DISCOUNTS AT TRACKS
Please mail forms to: N.E.S.C. PO BOX 609
North Berwick, ME 03906