Ascend Interest Form
First Name
Last Name
Contact Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Admin Email (optional)
Professional Title
Organization | Company
Business Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Are you an Ascend member?
Please tell us about yourself:
I am a published author (provide details below)
I am aspiring author (provide details below)
We are a non-profit organization (complete How do you envision engaging with Ascend? section below)
Other (complete How do you envision engaging with Ascend section below)
Provide details of your published work (book, journal, etc.) or details of your forthcoming publication(s). Include sample(s)/website links.
Enter N/A if does not apply
Are you engaging with other organizations that focus on Pan-Asian advancement and workplace issues?
Yes (provide details below)
No, I do not plan to engage with other organizations in this space
Not at this time but my plans may change in the future
Provide details of which other organizations you are engaging with
Enter N/A if does not apply
How do you envision engaging with Ascend?
Please be sure to include how your work / interest aligns with Ascend's mission/work.
Additional comments
Should be Empty: