Research Engagement Interest Form
For the Armstrong Institute Center for Diagnostic Excellence
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is your current institution affiliation (if applicable)
What degree are you currently pursuing? What is your focus area?
Will you require a sponsorship and/or a visa?
What type of sponsorship or visa will you need?
What is your timeline for your intended research? (when do you need to know available opportunities at the DXC)
What date range is sought for participation in research?
How many hours per week are you available for research? How many weeks/months are you available for research?
Are you seeking a volunteer or paid position?
What is your topic/methods interest or focus?
What topics that we study interest you most?
What scientific methods interest you most? (e.g., systematic reviews, large data set analysis, eye movement measurement, technology, clinical trials)
Are there specific investigators or projects you are seeking to work with?
How broad or narrow are your interests? (sometimes people only want to focus on one specific topic or method, other times they are open to more than one aspect)
What is your goal for your time?
Research experience (skill building; assessing future career interest in research
Research manuscript
Research proposal development
Letter of support
You selected "other" as an option for goals for your time, please provide additional details.
What is your prior research experience?
What skills do you think you can contribute to the research team?
Please provide any additional information that you think would help us with your placement.
Please upload your CV and an optional cover letter.
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