Hawaii Department of Agriculture (HDOA) Produce Safety Program Survey
Your produce farm may be subject to the FDA's Food Safety Modernization Act - Produce Safety Rule. This new rule helps farmers reduce the risk of food contamination from pathogens like E.coli, Listeria and Salmonella to protect their businesses and customers. The rule establishes science-based minimum standards for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of produce grown for human consumption. HDOA is participating in a cooperative agreement program with the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) to help Hawaii farmers prepare for and comply with the rule. Completing this survey will allow the HDOA Produce Safety Program team to help determine if this rule applies to your farm and to better assist you by providing educational outreach material and other useful information.
Farm Name
Farm Contact Person
First Name
Last Name
Farm Physical Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal / Zip Code
Please Select
Big Island (Hawaii Island)
Farm Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Farm Email
Farm Mailing Address (If different from physical address)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Does your Farm Grow, Pack , Harvest or Hold Produce? (Check all that Apply)
Hold (ex. cooler, warehouse)
List Crops Produced for Fresh Market/Ready-To-Eat (Consumed Raw):
Any produce you sell to be consumed without cooking. This includes but is not limited to kale, lettuce, radicchio, spinach, watercress, cucumber, tomato, peppers, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, and onions.
List Crops Rarely Consumed Raw (Usually Cook Before Eating, see list below):
Rarely Consumed Raw Produce is defined as the following exhaustive list: Asparagus; beans, black; beans, great Northern; beans, kidney; beans, lima; beans, navy; beans, pinto; beets, garden (roots and tops); beets, sugar; cashews; cherries, sour; chickpeas; cocoa beans; coffee beans; collards; corn, sweet; cranberries; dates; dill (seeds and weed); eggplants; figs; ginger; hazelnuts; horseradish; lentils; okra; peanuts; pecans; peppermint; potatoes; pumpkins; squash, winter; sweet potatoes; and water chestnuts.
List Crops Produced for Further Processing (Commercial Grade Microbial Kill Step) and the business or co-op you partner with for such as service:
Common Examples include but are not limited to: Taro, Breadfruit ('ulu), Macadamia Nuts, Mamaki
Average Annual Produce Sales (over the past 3 years)
Less than $25,000 / Year
$25,000 - $250,000 / Year
$250,000 - $500,000 / Year
More than $500,000 / Year
Where Do You Sell Your Produce?
Examples: Wholesale, Supermarket, Broker, Restaurant, Farmers Market, On-Farm Store, etc. If you do not sell your produce and you only consume it on-farm, please put "Do not sell"
What Percentage of Food Sales Is to Qualified End Users?
A qualified end-user means either the person eating the food (via farmers market, on-farm store) or a restaurant or a retail food establishment (via grocery store, convenience store) in the State of Hawaii. Selling to a broker (middleman) who sells the produce to a supermarket does not count as a qualified-end user. Confused? Please call us to help you!
What Practices are Utilized On Your Farm? (Check All that Apply)
Greenhouse/High Tunnel
Drip Irrigation
Overhead Irritation
Irrigation from Surface Water (lake, pond, stream, etc)
How many Acres is your farm?
Does your Farm Participate in any Voluntary Third Party Audits?
USDA GAP, USDA Organic, Federal Select Agent Program (FSAP), Primuslabs, etc.
What are your Farm's Primary Seasonal Planting, Growing and Harvesting/Packing Months?
Planting Season
Growing Season
Harvesting/Packing Season
Please use
(ex. Jan-Mar)
or Year Round
Has Anyone on Your Farm Completed the 8-hour Produce Safety Alliance (PSA) Grower Training Or the Sprout Safety Alliance (SSA) Grower Training? (Check All that Apply)
Interested to Learn More
Has Your Farm Completed an On-Farm Readiness Review (OFRR) visit? (Check All that Apply)
Interested to Learn More
Please let us know your opinion about this survey! We are always trying to improve our outreach communications.
Questions and Concerns
For any questions or concerns regarding this survey or the Produce Safety Rule and its implementation in the State of Hawaii, please contact Lorrieann Unruh at (808) 832-0720 or lorrieann.m.unruh.consultant@hawaii.gov or Dr. Joey Ooka at (808) 832-0685 or Joey.K.Ooka@hawaii.gov or Dr. Leonard Obaldo at Phone: (808) 832-0705 or Leonard.G.Obaldo@hawaii.gov
This publication was supported by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award U2FFD007652-02 totaling $426,934 with 100 percent funded by the FDA/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views, nor an endorsement, by FDA/HHS, or the U.S. Government.
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