Party with your Houseplants- A houseplant for beginners workshop
Dates offered : February 22nd
Time: 5:45pm- 7:30pm
Location: Education classroom located beside the Garden Gift Shop
How do you make your houseplants happy? Join us for a fun filled workshop, learning tips and tricks of keeping your houseplants happy, bug patrol and learn Plant ID for many common houseplants. Bring in a houseplant of your own to show the group and learn information about. (Please do not bring a houseplant that is super huge). We will play music that is suggested to help plants grow, propagation techniques.
During the workshop you will receive a mini houseplant to learn about and take care of, a small water bottle for spritzing your plant, dirt and a small pot with drainage, homemade recipes for the plant's optimal health and fun conversation with your peers!
Alcoholic beverages will be available for purchase in the Garden Gift shop. Please bring a small house plant to show the class and learn fun facts, tips and tricks! If you don't have a houseplant thats alright, please bring yourself and a friend! Small houseplants will be available for purchase starting at five dollars.