Before Reporting A Code Violation
Please confirm that you have reviewed the following common misinterpretations that concerned citizens should consider before reporting a code violation.
Code Enforcement cannot enter private property to conduct an investigation. They can only address violations observed from the public right-of-way, such as a street or alley. The Code Officer cannot enter your backyard or residence to see what is in your neighbor's yard. This is a violation of privacy laws.
Please be advised that while each complaint submitted is investigated, it does not mean that a violation exists. In particular, an adage of Code Enforcement is that "we don't ticket ugly." Simply put, just because something looks unsightly, it does not always equate to a violation of the adopted Code of Ordinances.
Code Enforcement has specific policies and procedures in place regarding how they handle complaints and investigations, including how and when they communicate with complainants. These procedures may not include notifying complainants of the results of an investigation.
Code Enforcement cannot intervene in matters between two private property owners (civil matters). Issues that fall into civil matters included, but are not limited to, trees over hanging into someone's yard or roof, leaves blowing into your yard, fences leaning into your property, landscaping issues, and where property lines are located for each respective lot.
Address of Property in Violation (One Address per Complaint Form)
Brief summary of complain:
How long has the violation existed?
Complainant Information:
Phone Number
Please be sure to review the common misinterpretations that concerned citizens should consider before reporting a code violation.
I confirm that I have reviewed and understand
Sending Name
Sending Email
Should be Empty: