I understand that by signing this application form, I may be sent a Formal Letter(s) of Offer/Written Agreement Contract from ACCHS.
- If all of the admission requirements are met.
- I authorise ACCHS to contact me by SMS, Email or phone.
- I authorise ACCHS to verify any information I have provided on this form.
- I give ACCHS permission to obtain official records / confirm details from a previous educational institution attended by me listed on this form.
- I have read and understood all of the information on this form.
- I am aware of my obligation to advise of any changes to my contact details within 7 days including a change to my next of kin / emergency contact / phone number / address or email.
- I am aware of my obligation to pay outstanding fees and understand non-payment of fees can lead to cancellation of my course enrolment by ACCHS.
- I am aware I must abide by visa conditions throughout my enrolment period in Australia including maintaining attendance and course progress/
- I understand living costs in Australia may be higher than my home country.
- I understand Tuition and Non-Tuition fees may change during my course.
- I have been provided with access to pre-enrolment information including the ACCHS International Student Handbook & marketing information containing: entry requirements for the course including English language, and academic requirements, work experience and course credit/RPL applicabl; any required work based training course content, duration & holiday breaks, qualification(s) on completion, modes of study and assessment methods; ACCHS campus and locations, ACCHS general description of facilities, equipment, learning and library resources; details of any arrangements ACCHS has with any other organisations to provide the course; course related fees (Tuition and non-Tuition); the ACCHS Refund, Complaints and Appeals, Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Policies; A description of the ESOS Framework including the ESOS Act (as amended) and the National Code 2018; Costs of living in Australia, Accommodation options, and obligations of schooling for any school aged dependents I may have.
- I acknowledge and agree that ACCHSmay share personal information with The Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), the ESOS Assurance Fund Manageror the Tuition Protection Service (where applicable) and their authorised auditors.
- I acknowledge and agree that ACCHS may advise the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and Agent about personal information, changes in the student enrolment and breach of any student visa relate to attendance or progress.
- I am aware I can obtain additional copies of the International Student Handbook, Policies, Procedures and Marketing Information from the ACCHS website: www.acchs.edu.au