B.O.L.D Level 1 (Classes 1-5) Thursdays in October**OCTOBER SPECIAL** Instead of $379, pay $300 for this life-changing training. Join us for this 13-hour seminar designed to both educate and empower you. Each class builds upon the previous class. Class 1 of 5: Thursday, Oct 3, 6:45-8:45p Class 2 of 5: Thursday, Oct 10, 6:45-8:45p Class 3 of 5: Thursday, Oct 17, 6:45-8:45 Class 4 of 5: Thursday, Oct 24, 6:45-8:45p Class 5 of 5: SUNDAY, Oct 27, 5:30 -8:30p Build situational awareness. Overcome vulnerability. Live confidently. Defend yourself. This in-person, 13-hour course is taught in 4 two-hour and one 3-hour segments. Please contact us for other training options. Participants learn to attack vulnerable areas on an aggressor using upper body strikes, lower body strikes and ground techniques. More importantly, employing the latest anti-terrorism and force-protection techniques currently used by law enforcement and the US military, they’re taught situational awareness and pre-contact indicators to help avoid a dangerous situation altogether. Neither a high level of fitness nor prior martial arts experience is required to complete this empowering, life-changing training.