Millcroft Inn Show Application
Deadline for submissions: November 20, 2024
Contact Name
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Last Name
Phone Number
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Show Details
Please complete all the information requested.
Show title
Show Description/theme
Participating Artists, a brief description of everyone's work and mediums.
There are six dates available for Millcroft shows. Please indicate your first choice by placing a "1" beside the date. If you are open to other dates follow up with a 2, 3, etc in your order of preference. A "0" will indicate that date is not an option for you.
Feb 4-Apr 7
Apr 7-Jun 2
Jun 2-Aug 7
Aug 7-Oct 6
Oct 6-Dec 1
Dec 1-Feb 2, 2026
Images: Please submit one or two images (jpg format) per artist participating in the show that are representative of the work that will be hung. Please ensure each image file is named to include the ArtistName_title_size (Height x Width)_Medium_Year e.g. VincentVanGogh_StarryNight_30x36_oil_1889. Images should be resized so that they are between 400KB and 2MB in size.
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I have read the Miicroft Inn show guidelines and agree to abide by them in the event that my submission is accepted.
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