The member school's team physician has the final responsibility to determine when a student-athlete is removed or withheld from participation due to an injury, an illness or pregnancy. In addition, clearance for that individual to return to activity is solely the responsibility of the member school's team physician or that physician's designated representative.
I understand that participation may include, when necessary, early dismissal from classes and travel to participate in interscholastic athletic contests. I will not hold the school authorities or West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission responsible in case of accident or injury as a result of this participation. I also understand that participation in any of those sports listed above may cause permanent disability or death. Please check appropriate space: He/She has student accident insurance available through the school ( ); has football insurance coverage available through the school ( ); is insured to our satisfaction ( ).
I also give my consent and approval for the above named student to receive a physical examination, as required in Part IV, Physician's Certificate, of this form, by an approved health care provider as recommended by the named student's school administration.
I consent to WVSSAC's use of the herein named student's name, likeness, and athletically related information in reports of Inter-School Practices or Scrimmages and Contests, promotional literature of the Association, and other materials and releases related to interscholastic athletics.
I have read/reviewed the concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest information as available through the school and at (Click Sports Medicine)