Wooh! If you're here, that means you are interested in starting your business or diving a little bit deeper in the one you already have- so go you! It's no secret that owning and operating a small business is TOUGH. I've learned a ton over the years and continue to get lots of messages asking how we do things at Doodles. And I love giving my insight and perspective on all aspects of business.
Doodles began as a small hobby in the 7th grade to having a small Etsy shop while I was in college (to help pay for rent and chick-fil-a runs is what i always say!). Today we have thriving Shopify retail and wholesale websites, a brick & mortar shop in Bardstown, KY, we have over 200 wholesale partners, and participate in Market and pop-up shops around the country throughout the year.
If you are at the very beginning stages or need help with direction or an extra push- I'm here to help!
So what does this look like? Let's chat! Any of the below can be a topic we discuss!
- I want to be a small business owner but I have no idea where to begin!
- creating a website, Etsy, wholesale or Faire online store.
- sourcing for products
- pricing of products
- wholesaling
-digitizing art
-when to outsource
-how to market your business
-setting up at retail and wholesale shows
-how to turn this thing into a full time gig!
-partnering with sales reps
-social media strategies
- wanna talk numbers? I'm down!
....and anything else you can think of!