First Name
Last Name
Address (Number, Street)
City, State, Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Gender Preference
Have you ever owned a Giant Schnauzer?
The Giant Schnauzer is large, powerful, and very active. Do you currently participate in any dog sports? What activities are you planning with your new dog ?
The Giant Schnauzer requires specific grooming. Do you have experience grooming the Giant Schnauzer or do you have a professional groomer nearby, who knows proper grooming for the breed?.
Do you own or rent your home? Is the property fenced? Please describe the fencing (invisible fencing is not reliable).
Do you currently have dogs? If yes, how many and what breed(s) or mixed breed(s)
Have you ever raised a large breed puppy? Do you have experience with working breeds?
Where do you plan to keep your new dog at night and when you're not at home?
Do you have children in your home? What are their ages?
Please provide us with a personal reference along with your veterinarian's information.
How did you find us?
I understand that there is no guarantee of gender produced and I retain the option to pass and wait for the next available puppy of my preferred gender. (Type YES)
If for ANY reason you cannot keep your Celestial Giant Schnauzer, the dog MUST be returned to us. The dog cannot be given away, sold or turned over to rescue. Do you understand? (Type YES)
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our Puppy Application! If you have any questions, please feel to ask here!
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