Show Entry for 26th February 2023
Please note a confirmation will not be sent until payment is received to: Maidstone Activity Dogs, Sort Code: 20-18-93 Acc No: 43984834
Owner Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Postcode (For matching to BACS Payment)
Handler Name (If different)
First Name
Last Name
Dogs Pet Name
Dog Height
Dog Grade
Please Select
Grade 1-3
Grade 4-7(entry will be for clear rounds only)
Classes Entered
All classes
Class 1 (1 go)
Class 1 (both goes)
Class 2
Class 3
Declaration – must be signed by the owner or handler I/we declare that the above named dogs will be over 17 months at the start of the event & have received suitable training for this event. I/We undertake to abide by the show’s rules, and not to bring any dog which is in season, or has contracted,or been knowingly exposed to any infectious disease during the 21 days prior to the show, or which is suffering from a visible condition which adversely affects its health or welfare. I/we agree to abide by the rules of Maidstone Activity Dogs and accept that I/we enter at my/our own risk. (Please type name below to confirm declaration)
Should be Empty: