Safety is our shared responsibility and a commitment to one another for the good of our sport. Please use this form to report any rowing safety incidents, including boat collisions, injuries, trailering issues, and near misses; we'll use this information to identify lessons learned, develop a data driven safety policy, and provide our members resources to improve safety.
You can make a safety incident report anonymously and we'll keep it confidential. Data from incident reports may be shared anonymously in the form of safety advice through USRowing safety newsletters, reports, and education programs.
However, if you are insured through USRowing and opt to initiate the claims process, you'll have to provide us with your contact information and some additional details.
This form is not intended for reporting a concern under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Center for SafeSport. To report a concern to the Center, Go HERE or call 833-5US-SAFE (587-7233). You can learn more about the Center's jurisdiction and process HERE.