We recognize the value and importance of continued innovation in diabetes.
In recognition of the centennial insulin anniversary, ATTD will reward a practice/innovative way of managing diabetes with a prize supported by Eli Lilly.
In recognition of outstanding activities to Overcome Inertia, Lilly is contributing 10,000 Euros to the winner of the ATTD-Lilly Insulin Centennial Award.
Please complete your nomination by 1 February 2023
Eligible for nomination are HCPs that have contributed to one or more of the following areas of diabetes care:
· Innovative ways of managing diabetes aiming at early, tight, and safe glycemic
and metabolic control
· A major contribution to prevention, care and quality of life of people with diabetes
· Early adoption of novel effective treatment tools, medicines, and schemes
· Leveraging on data registries to promote timely outcome improvements
· Promoting outcome-driven integration of diabetes care
· Leveraging on people with diabetes self-empowerment and quality of life
* Mandatory Field