Thank you for your interest in applying for a role at NYO. Before you complete this form, please ensure you have read the Application Pack. If you have any questions, please email
You may save your progress and come back to the form later. It is not necessary to create an account to do this - just click 'Skip Create an Account' on the Save Your Progress pop-up.
The information you submit through this application form will be stored securely and accessed only by the staff involved in recruiting this role. Information about unsuccessful applicants will be kept on file for one year and then destroyed. For further information, please read our Privacy Policy.
This is the end of the main application form. When you click 'Next' you will be invited to complete the Equal Opportunities monitoring questions.
The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain is committed to equal opportunities and ensuring that no one is unfairly discriminated against in our recruitment and selection policies and procedures. We are also committed to diversity in all aspects of our work and at all levels of the organisation.
We are required to report annually to Arts Council England on the diversity of our board, staff and freelance workforce.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission recommends the classification set out below. The information provided will be only be used anonymously and will be stored securely.
The questionnaire is not obligatory but, by completing it, you will help us monitor the effectiveness of our equal opportunities policy. The information provided will be detached from your application and used for monitoring purposes only. It will not be made available to the interviewer nor form part of the selection process.
If you do not wish to answer one or more of the questions, please select 'Prefer not to say'