The People’s Notice of Evidence and Demand for Remedy
I, one of the People of the 50 American States (republican in form) Sui Juris, do send you this notice as the People’s servants, that you may take decisive action in response to the affidavits and notices sent to you, showing the widespread attempt of government actors in multiple states, engaging in activities dealing with elections outside of the law and failing to follow the People’s wishes; thus, changing the laws of elections and the Legislative design given its authority by the People. As one of the People who has assembled together to declare a national emergency by necessity, it is my wish and demand that the Supreme Court provide immediate remedy to the People and that you openly declare the right of the People to reform all state governments and to create new Legislative body’s to protect their interest. Further, I wish for you to accept affidavits from the People for the purpose of arresting any and all actors who refuse to handle the People's business or who refuse to carry out their responsibilities to follow the law as outlined for them in the State Constitutions; (see evidence below)
Maxim of Law: 39gg. Judicial notice is a form of evidence. Mann v. Mann, 172 P.2d 369, 375, 76 Cal.App,2d 32.
Please take further notice that government servants, pursuing their own interest have fallen into maladministration, which our forefathers told us that we have the power to correct as written in the Virginia Constitution Bill of Rights (see evidence below):
Virginia Constitution Bill of Rights Article I Section 3:
Government Instituted for Common Benefit
That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration; and, whenever any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community hath an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal. (Highlight added for Emphasis)
Please take final notice that We the People understand our power to reform governments and are looking to you, as Trustees, to stand and stop actors who are failing to secure the business of the People; To declare, that no government can act in maladministration and against the safety and happiness of the People. As you look into the Brunson case, it is my wish that you weigh this evidence as one of the biggest issues to cause an emergency in our nation is the failure of the government to follow state constitutions, the form of law, and changing the ways of elections and blocking the ability of the People to scrutinize their elections. You will be receiving by email thousands of Affidavits and Notices showing that the People have tried to show the government servants the law, yet, they have been continuously ignored. Furthermore, many government officers, in changing the ways of elections, which Locke explains, creates a dissolution of government (John Locke, Two Treatises of Government pg.199 (section 216). I, as one of the People, demand that you immediately grant all remedies possible to protect the People by Necessity.