We look forward to welcoming returning coaches and new coaches to the club in 2023!
We welcome anyone from age 12+ to take on a coaching role. In 2023 we will have a coach mentor program, in particular to ensure we can support our young developing coaches. We welcome players, parents or anyone keen to get involved with coaching to put up their hand! We need you!
Age Group Training Schedules
- Juniors train x1 training or x1 SKiLLS session and play on Saturday's
- Youth social x1 Thursday training & play either Saturday's or Sunday's
- Youth Development 1-2x SKiLLS + Thursday team training & Saturday's or Sunday's (coach doesn't have to coach the SKiLLS sessions)
- Senior teams train Tuesday's and Thursday's
- Mondays - SKiLLS (+Junior Team Training in Term 2 & 3)
- Tuesday - SKiLLS (+Junior Team Training in Term 2 & 3) + Senior Training
- Wednesday - SKiLLS (+Junior Team Training in Term 2 & 3)
- Thursday - Youth & Senior Team Training Term 1, 2 & 3
- 1st Year Coaches Under 16 & coaches with no coaching certificate - Volunteer (will be offered a Coach Mentor Program spot)
- Solo Coaches with MiniRoos Certificate or +2 years experience with no cert or co-coaches - $15 per training session (coaching the game is included in this payment) (Will be offered a Coach Mentor Program spot)
- Solo Coaches with SKiLLS Certificate - $20 per training session (coaching the game is included in this payment). (Will be offered a Coach Mentor Program spot).
- Solo Coaches with C-Licence Certificate - $25 per training session (coaching the game is included in this payment)
- Solo Parent Coaches - 1x Free child registration fee (Will be offered a Coach Mentor Program spot)
*Coaches coaching Youth Teams or Senior teams that have the required qualifications and are registered players receive a registration discount. Email youthdevelopment@taroonafc.org to find out more.
*If coaching in pairs, the payment is halved. We encourage people to coach in pairs, as it is a more enjoyed experience for the coaches and helps when a coach is away/sick to ensure there is still a coach.