Foundation Funding Application
Is your organization a government unit or a public charity that is non-profit and tax-exempt under 501 (c)(3) of the IRS Code?
If applicable, please attach a copy of your IRS exempt determination letter.
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Have you ever received funding from the QMG Foundation?
If you answered yes to the above question, for what program or project?
Name of your organization/program
Address of your organization
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Name of the head of your organization/program (please include title - CEO, Director, etc.)
Email for the head of your organization
Phone Number for the head of your organization
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your Name (person completing the application)
First Name
Last Name
How are you affiliated with the organization?
(Volunteer, staff, board member, etc.)
Your Email
Your Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Brief overview of your mission and organization/program
Which one of the Foundation focus areas are you applying for funding?
Community Development
Health Initiatives
Youth Programs and Partnerships
Dollar amount of funds being requested
Intended use of funds
Please attach a project budget (if this is not applicable, please upload an explanation of why it is not).
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Please attach copies of bids, invoices or price quotes (if this is not applicable, please upload an explanation of why it is not).
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Please attach a list of your board of directors, including contact information (if this is not applicable, please upload an explanation of why it is not).
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What is the proposed time frame for using this funding?
How many people will benefit from the project and what age group is being targeted?
What geographic location will this project or program impact?
Is this a pilot program? If not, please explain how it was previously funded.
How do you plan to maintain this project/program following initial QMG Foundation funding?
How would only partial funding from the Foundation impact your ability to provide this project, program, or meet general support needs?
How will your organization contribute to this project?
Is there a possibility of alternative funding for this specific request? If so, from what sources and in what amounts?
Do you agree to file a QMG Healthcare Foundation funding report setting forth the expenditure of the funding money, when it was expended, to who it was paid, and the benefits received from the funds?
The head of the organization has reviewed and approved the submission of this grant.
I certify that I completed this form, and the information I provided is complete and accurate.
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