Welcome to the Sesame Communications Text Registration Form. This form is used to register your practice phone number for use in text reminders and 2-way text messaging. The texting industry has recently added requirements that all businesses must register the phone number they use for texting into a central registry. The goal of the industry's registry is to ensure that consumers are receiving texts from responsible organizations, that the content is appropriate, and consumers are being protected from fraud and spam. Please fill out the form below as soon as possible to avoid, or resolve an interruption in texting your patients.
Please note:
"Legal Business Name" refers to the name of your practice as it is registered for tax purposes. This may not be the same name that you do business as. Please refer to your recent federal tax filings if you're unsure how your business is legally registered.
"Federal EIN (Tax ID)" refers to your tax ID number as it is registered with the federal government, not state. Please refer to your recent federal tax filings if you're unsure of this number. This should be a 9 digit number with a dash after the first two digits.
Once received, all forms are submitted to our phone company to register on your behalf. Registration takes on averaged 5 business days. Any errors detected during this process will delay your registration.