2023-2025 Good and Health Community Grant RFA
Please use the grant guidance for assistance in completing the application. The grant guidance can be found at_________.
Work Plan (50 Points)
Goal Area 1:
Please Select
Eat well
Move More
feel better
Applicants must select at least two different sectors to work within all three goal areas. For example, you cannot choose to work only in worksites under each of the three goal areas. An applicant can work in worksites under Goal Area Eat Well, and work in childcare under Goal Area Feel Better.
Choose at least one of the five sectors for goal area 1
Goal Area 2:
Please Select
Eat well
Move More
feel better
Applicants must select at least two different sectors to work within all three goal areas. For example, you cannot choose to work only in worksites under each of the three goal areas. An applicant can work in worksites under Goal Area Eat Well, and work in childcare under Goal Area Feel Better.
Choose at least one of the five sectors for goal area 2
Goal Area 3:
Please Select
Eat well
Move More
feel better
Applicants must select at least two different sectors to work within all three goal areas. For example, you cannot choose to work only in worksites under each of the three goal areas. An applicant can work in worksites under Goal Area Eat Well, and work in childcare under Goal Area Feel Better.
Choose at least one of the five sectors for goal area 3
Strategy(s) Narrative (20 Points):
Describe in detail the proposed strategy(s), how you plan to accomplish the strategy(s), and identify a lead person responsible for each strategy(s). Evidence-based practices are preferred, but innovative promising practices are also eligible with justification.
Population Served:
Describe which population will be served by these activities. Please include an anticipated total number of people served.
Need (10 Points):
Describe the need for the implementation of the strategy(s) in the selected sector. Include supporting data or other data sources (i.e. Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA), County Health Rankings) if available. If your organization has not completed a CHNA within the last 3 years encourage you to reach out to your local healthcare organization.
Partners/Organizations (5 Points):
List all the partners/organizations that will be involved in the strategy(s).
Timeline (5 Points):
Evaluation (10 Points):
Provide a workable evaluation plan that can describe the strategy(s) and its impact. Include evaluation questions to measure impact. (Results from the evaluation plan will be reported back to the ODPHP in the final report.)
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The work plan template is located in the Grant Guidance starting on page 12.
Budget (25 Points)
Budget (25 Points Total)
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Using the Excel template provided, formulate your budget request. Applicants must provide a sufficient budget narrative to justify costs to achieve selected strategies:
Required Supporting Information (20 Points)
Organization Information (5 points)
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Proof of Organization (5 points)
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Capacity/Sustainability (5 Points)
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Letters of Support (5 points)
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