Application For Employment
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
For the following questions, please select from the range provided.
Please select the weight limit you feel confident to handle by yourself (for dogs without any major issues)
I can groom any size dog
Up to 90 lbs
Up to 65 lbs
Up to 45 lbs
Please select up to how many hours you can be on your feet:
10+ Hours
8-10 Hours
6-8 Hours
Less than 6 Hours
I am able to pick out shampoo & conditioner based on dog's needs:
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to communicate with clients on their dogs needs, recommend products, as well as educate the client when needed.
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to recognize different health concerns (ie: tooth decay, skin issues, ear infections)
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to recognize different behavioral issues (ie: aggression towards people or other animals, fear, table manners)
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to identify what point to clip nails to without exposing the quik.
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to properly use a dremmel to file a dog's nails
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to properly de-matte a dog without limitations
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to determine when a dog needs to be shaved vs de-matted
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to brush and fluff dry a dog's face and body without limitations
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I can properly trim the inner corners of the eyes
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I can properly shave paw pads
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I can properly trim the eye visor
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I can properly round the feet
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I can properly trim all sani areas
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to do Poodle Clean Face & Feet
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to do a Top Knot
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to do an outline trim on all dogs
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
I am able to execute ALL breed specific haircuts
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
If you don't feel confident being able to do ALL breed specific haircuts, please list the breeds you feel 100% confident to do. Also, please list the breeds you DO NOT feel confident in.
What are your MOST favorite breeds to groom? And why?
What are your LEAST favorite breeds to groom? And why not?
How do you handle yourself when you’re in the presence of aggressive dogs or dogs with behavioral issues?
Do you have experience with senior dogs or dogs with health issues?
If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please explain what kinds of health issues you have experience with:
What do you look for when assessing a dog for signs of stress?
Do you have experience or familiarity with dog first aid?
What do you do if you cut/injure a dog? Do you know how to clean & wrap the wound?
If a client lets you know that their dog has fleas, what questions do you ask?
How do you properly administer a flea bath?
I am able to drive all routes, including but not limited to: narrow streets/driveways, inclined/hilly areas, parallel parking
Extremely Confident
Somewhat Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All
Do you have a valid California Driver's License?
Have you ever driven a large truck or van?
What is your desired rate of pay?
What is your availability?
Are you okay working part time to start?
Are you okay working overtime when needed?
Should be Empty: