Our Policy
Happy Campers Day Camp, LLC reserve the right to remove a camper from camp for any unsafe or inappropriate behavior including: bullying, violence, sexual harassment, endangering the safety of any camper or staff member, any type of discrimination, destruction of property, theft, verbal abuse, and possession of any type of weapon. No refunds for any camp fees paid will be issued in the event that a camper is asked to leave camp for unsafe or inappropriate behavior.
I request that my child be admitted to Happy Campers day camp. I understand that as the parent/guardian submitting this registration form on behalf of the above-named actor, that I, alone, am responsible for payment of the program fees.
Payments can be made with a personal check made out to Happy Campers, or by credit card.
I understand that ALL FORMS must be filled out, signed, and returned with the Registration Form.
I give permission for my child to participate in any and all camp activities, except those specifically prohibited, in advance, and given to the Camp President in writing.
I give permission for my child to go on trips outside the camp facility via the form of public transportation or motor vehicle.
I give my permission for my child to be included in program photos, videos, or multimedia presentations.
I understand that Happy Campers is not responsible for the personal property of my child, or damage/loss of my child’s personal property while participating at Happy Campers.
I hereby release and hold harmless Happy Campers, its officers, employees, agents, representatives, volunteers, heirs, executors, and assigns from all liability for personal injury and/or illness, including death arising out of my child’s participation in this camp program. I understand that this release and indemnification releases liability for the conduct of Happy Campers and its officers, employees, agents, representatives, volunteers, heirs, executors and assigns.
I will follow all posted and emailed instructions while at summer camp. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the CDC, senior citizens and those with underlying conditions are especially vulnerable. By participating in summer camp, I voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
In the event I cannot be reached in an emergency involving my child, I hereby give permission to the appropriate medical personnel, selected by Happy Campers to provide medical treatment deemed necessary by such medical personnel, including, but not limited to X-rays, tests, injections, blood transfusions, hospitalization, anesthesia and surgery.
I give permission for my child's phone number and parent email address to be shared with other actors on a written list.