Thunder Cup Umpire Nomination
Term 2: Thursday 11 May - Thursday 29 June Term 3: Thursday 3 August - Thursday 21 September
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Contact number
Please enter a valid phone number.
I am nominating for (select either or both):
Term 2
Term 3
I am comfortable umpiring: (please select all that apply)
Year 3/4
Year 5/6
Year 7/8
Umpire experience
Badge level
National C Badge
National B Badge
Working with Children Check
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I understand and agree: I must notify Netball SA of any unavailability to umpire 1 week in advance. If you become sick or another inconvenience, please let Netball SA know as soon as you know you will not be able to make it. I must arrive a minimum 20 minutes prior to each match starting and sign in at the sign in desk to before each match. Umpires will be paid at the end of each term for all matches umpired via bank transfer. Match payment will be $20 per game.
I agree
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